Had to laugh!

I saw this quote of the day and had to investigate further ... "The caller can see shadows under the bathroom door. A police squad showed up to arrest a burglar hiding in a woman's bathroom. The suspect? A Roomba".

How could you not want to know more? 😆

You have to take your hat off to emergency services first responders these days, because more than ever before they see things no human should ever have to. So, when I came across this headline, I had to read further and when I discovered the culprit that had the police on their toes, I laughed out loud.

A lady reported seeing shadows moving under her closed bathroom door, accompanied by rustling sounds. That would certainly have had me freaking out as I'd most likely suspect a creature that didn't belong there, possibly a snake or something of the rodent variety - and I certainly wouldn't be opening that door without backup!

This lady suspected something even more sinister, a human intruder, so she didn't muck around, she called 911 (the equivalent of our 000) and in short order some of Washington County's finest arrived on scene. Things became even more disturbing when the deputies ordered the noisemaker to cease and desist, and the rustling noises ramped up even more. The perp ignored commands to come out with hands raised, so police had no alternative but to storm the bathroom - only to find in the words of Washington County's Deputy Sheriff  Brian Rogers "A very thorough vacuuming job being done by a Roomba vacuum cleaner".

You have to laugh out loud!

BuzzFeed News reported that "the scene was cleared - and probably quite clean too".  

God Bless the Roomba, innocently doing its thing and sending everyone on a highly amusing practice run for another day when the call out will no doubt be way more serious.

A good reason too, to stop and thank God for our first responders - our police and emergency services workers. For every call that can make us laugh out loud, there are truckloads of the tragic and traumatic sides of life they deal with every day. We are so blessed to have them.

With thanks to Video Guru Daily Funny, I couldn't resist adding this for your enjoyment. Catlovers will thank me 😸 

References: with thanks to BuzzFeed News and Q13Fox TV for making me LOL!

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